GCBA Swarm Removals

Photographs from Gaston County Beekeepers Association's (GCBA) members of honey bee swarms and swarm removals. For assistance in removing swarms from your property, go to our Swarm Removal List by clicking here.

Gaston County Beekeepers Assoc Logo

Swarm resting on a tree trunk

Swarm resting on fence

Introducing the swarm to the hive

Helping the swarm enter the hive

Child helping to introduce the swarm to the hive

Filling up the hive

Getting ready to head home

Sometimes you need a truck to reach the swarm

Removing swarm from tree

Getting the limb down with the swarm

Swarm in the nuc

Getting the last few in the nuc

Swarm resting high in a tree

Sometimes you need a cherry picker

Going up

Approaching the swarm

Getting closer to the swarm

Brushing the swarm into a bucket


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